Tuesday, June 24, 2008

More great bridge pictures

Hello Everyone!Last week was a hot one here in the city, which helped to create some great sunsets. Wednesday night brodie and I were at Fort Funston there was a great sunset and I took a few pictures, then off home for the night. As I was driving home in the rear view mirror I noticed the sky lighting up this great pink and orange color. Should have stayed a little longer. So thursday night I went to the Golden Gate Bridge, they sunset itself was not so great, but then, once again the sky lit up and this time I got some nice pictures. The sky started to light up the east bay, and the sky was amazing (1st picture). Then, obviously the 2nd & 3 rd picture is of the GG Bridge. Then Brodie at Fort Funston on the beach taking break. The last picture is of a sunset at Fort Funston! Enjoy!

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